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CPD Guidance v3.6.2

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• This app can be accessed through any device with a modern web browser, and no app store is needed.
• Your subscriptions help keep this site running, thank you.
• By default, searching for laws or statutes also searches their definitions.
• Find street names and their baselines quickly in the Streets page.
• CourtInfo figures out your court call and common bonding for all movers and arrests you add to it.
• Document what you learn by creating your custom guides.
• You can create your own custom guides with image support under the Tools section located on the side menu.
• Executing a query search produces more results than simply relying on the suggestive search feature.
• A centralized repository dedicated to enhancing speed & precision.
• LiveHelp is located on the side menu and provides real time chat for users to provide help instantly.
• A registered FTO can offer you a free 1 month subscription.
• The Home page contains short video tutorials on some of the unique features the app provides.
• If you forgot your password you can reset it in the Account page.
• CourtInfo figures out your court call and common bonding for all movers and arrests you add to it.
• Place the app as a shortcut on your phone's home screen for instant access.
• Document once and access anywhere with our unique tools available to you.
• FurloughPicker is customizable and takes the guesswork out of your furlough details.
• Manage your notes in the ManageNote page.
• Add keywords and notes to items to make searching for them easier.
• Haven't done a paper job in a while? Check Paper for guides.
• Personalize the app by taking advantage of adding notes, uploading images, and creating custom guides.
Directives scan:
Home MyGuide Parker (123) Mover (383) Anov (322) Paper (479) Arrest (846) Order (794) FurloughPicker Streets Maps CourtInfo DryFireTimer Account
An active subscription is required for full access. Please view offers and details in your account page.
A registered FTO can offer users free trials through their account / control panel. Please view the changelog below for more info.
For general support issues please email admin@cpdguidance.com with your user name and email address.

Search | References | Tools | Guides

Feature: Automating court calls

Feature: Creating custom guides

Feature: Adding searchable notes

Version 3.6.2 changelog: 07 DEC 2022

• Update 09 OCT 2023 - Deployed a hotfix to address certain Iphones and Apple devices using safari browsers not responding to the app.

• Update 19 DEC 2022 - FurloughPicker now shows an operations calendar with calculated furlough for easier viewing.

• Update 11 DEC 2022 - Fixed a bug in FurloughPicker where burn day results were incorrect. Added custom furlough extension options.

• Added FurloughPicker. This feature takes out the guesswork by producing an automated furlough based on your pick. You simply input some details such as your years of service, day off group, the segment pick, and if you want it extended. The feature produces a standardized result that includes cleverly locating adjacent rdo's that would typically extend your time off. It tells you how many days you need to burn and which ones based on your years of service. Watch secretaries can use this feature to help them automate user picks and avoid confusion, especially when filling out sheets. This feature is currently in beta. If you notice a mistake, please feel free to send an email or post a message in the LiveHelp chat hub. FurloughPicker is a free service and requires you to register with the app.

Version 3.6.1 changelog: 08 NOV 2020

• Added Streets page to act as a generic street guide. You can now quickly browser and search the named and numbered streets revealing their name, direction the street runs, position from baseline, and the coverage area.

• Update 12 APR 2021 - Increased user upload quotas.

• Update 16 APR 2021 - Converted to paid subscription model. Users can now view their subscription offers and details in the account page. Please note that subscriptions are not refundable, renewable, or stackable. They must be allowed to expire before you can renew so please choose carefully. Your subscriptions help keep this site running. Thank you.

• Update 16 APR 2021 - An FTO has free access to the app and additionally can give 1 month access to other users, preferably their recruits, once every month. If you are an FTO and would like these privileges after registering with the app please email admin@cpdguidance.com with your user name and email along with your star and name to potentially be added as an FTO after verification. Please include which district you work in. There are no better gifts to offer your recruits than patience and guidance.

• Update 28 APR 2021 - These pages do not require an active subscription: Order, Streets, and Maps. The simple DryFireTimer page allows anonymous users.

• Update 08 AUG 2021 - The horizontal menu will auto-scroll to keep the active page button in view on navigation change. Misdemeanor traffic offenses will now also be shown in the Arrest page.

• Update 22 AUG 2021 - A bug in the ManageImage page may sometimes show incorrect results, this has been fixed.

Version 3.6.0 changelog: 08 NOV 2020

• You can now create your own guides and attach images, general orders, and add notes to them. You can upload images to the server from your device and have them available and assignable to any guide you create. For example, you can first create a guide and then later upload a picture and attach it to that guide or vice versa. You can also attach pre-defined general orders to these guides. When you manage the creation and editing of your custom guides they will be available for you to quickly browse under the MyGuide page. MyGuides, uploaded images, and any notes are private and can only be viewed by the logged-in user that created them. These new features and tools require registration to unlock and are available on the side menu.

• Implemented ManageNote page. Allows users to see where their notes are placed and to edit them all in one spot. This tool can be found on the side menu.

• Implemented ManageGuide page. Allows users to create guides, add field notes to them, attach general orders and images that were uploaded. This tool can be found on the side menu.

• Implemented ManageImage Page. Allows users to upload pictures and attach them to guides they created. Compresses and resizes uploaded pictures automatically. This tool can be found on the side menu.

• Implemented MyGuide page. Allows users to quickly browse their custom guides with attachments they created in one place. MyGuides page will be shown on the horizontal menu and the side menu only when users log in.

• Implemented quotas for users. Governs the storage space alotment for users. You can find them in your account page under the edit secion. Quotas may vary based on global usage and server costs.

• Fixed a bug in the mover page where user notes may not show up when searching.

• Update 23 DEC 2020 - Due to growing popularity registration is now required to access the majority of content. If you forgot your password please use the forgot password feature. A user's session has been extended before forcing a log off due to inactivity. Added a FAQ section.

Version 3.5 changelog: 31 AUG 2019

• Rooms have been added, which are real time chat hubs and are located on the side menu. These are designed for users to provide guidance to other users in real time. LiveHelp is for users to help each other on general procedures. StudyGroup requires login and is for users that wish to broadcast their groups or prep for tests. FTO is only for FTO's and requires permission by email: admin@cpdguidance.com. To prevent misuse, the IP addresses are shown for users posting a message and moderators can disable users and rooms. Chat logs are cleared upon server restart or by a moderator. Rooms are currently a pilot program and availability may be determined by behavior.

• Update 11 NOV 2019 - DDS scans will only be shown in the home page.

• Update 08 JAN 2020 - Removed StudyGroup room. Added a connection status icon to alert user of network health. The back end code was refactored for improved performance. The app version was incremented to 3.5.1 to reflect these changes.

• Update 03 FEB 2020 - Implemented account confirmation, forgot password, and change password features. Users that forgot their passwords or require confirmation before logging in will have these options emailed to them. SSL security has been enabled. The app version was incremented to 3.5.2 to reflect these changes.

• Update 15 FEB 2020 - Persistence layer for the chat rooms has been enabled. The last 500 messages will be displayed. DDS scans will be performed every 12 hours to reduce server load.

• Update 20 FEB 2020 - Suggestive search has been enabled.

• Update 09 MAR 2020 - CourtInfo now figures out Branch 2 court calls based on unit.

• Update 13 MAR 2020 - CourtInfo loads faster and is more informative.

• Update 30 MAR 2020 - Added print support for a specific row.

Version 3.4 changelog: 29 JUN 2019

• The search function has been enhanced to provide a relative search method. The relative search method will now be the default and an exact phrase option will be available for precise multi-word searches.

Version 3.3 changelog: 16 JUN 2019

• Support for general ordes has been implemented. This page provides an alternative search and filtering method to the department's DDS system. A user can search for orders and add searchable notes to each order. The official department directives system is internally scanned in 15 minute intervals to ensure that orders shown here are accurately reflected. A modified or updated order in the DDS will automatically be detected and an alert will be active until the order has been updated here. The scan message displays the previous internal scan performed. The general orders presented are copied and pasted without special formatting. A link to the official order is included to view it in its original format.

• Along with other pages, the orders are not all there and will be populated and formatted as time permits. This continues the practice of releasing features with content to follow. The end goal for all the pages is to have them fully populated and accurate.

• Update 23 JUN 2019 - Fixed court info bug where Alt-Major room incorrectly superceded the Major room with concurrent misdemeanor charges.

Version 3.2 changelog: 24 APR 2019

• The search feature has been improved. A user can now choose to ignore searching the law definitions for certain pages. Many laws and their subsections have the same definitions or common wording associated with them and too many search results might be returned. This will help limit unwanted or repetitive results as the number of laws grows.

• The horizontal menu will display how many records there are in specific pages. This updates about once per day.

• Pages will now fully load before allowing a row to be expanded for more information. Users with fast devices will not notice a difference.

• Fixed a search bug that the previous patch introduced in the mover page where not enough fields were being searched.

Version 3.1 changelog: 19 MAR 2019

• An Arrest page has been added. This page aids in writing complaint narratives for arrests by offering a fictitious example of one for the specific charge. When the user opens up a charge, an appropriate complaint will auto-populate with the narrative. Misdemeanor traffic offenses are not included in this page, as the personal service citation acts as the complaint itself. There are thousands of laws (and their variants) on the books and the goal is to have them all in the arrest page along with their complaints. This page is a work in progress.

• The CourtInfo page now supports automating the bail bond amount for all the charges added. A new field will display the bail bond amount that should be written in the bail bond book.

• More effecient queries have been written in this version and pages should generally load faster.

• Update 21 MAR 2019 - A user's session has been extended to 4 hours before forcing a log off due to inactivity. Fixed an issue where bonding amount was shown for PTC (promise to comply) petty traffic offense that do not require one.

Version 3.0 changelog: 29 JAN 2019

• An improved search feature for the mover and paper pages has been added. You can now apply a filter by certain criteria in addition to keyword searches.

• A Modernized menu system and layout has been implemented. You can navigate either by the horizontal navigation menu, or if that is not visible, then by the menu bar that will always be displayed on top.

• Updated and fixed the court calls and court automation feature. Court branches and court calls now reflect the changes that have been made for 2019 calender year. the court info page will also be more informative.

• You can now save your unit (requires registration).

• Users can add their own custom notes to any parker, mover, anov, and paper job. These notes are also searchable by the user. Adding custom notes requires registration, and the notes can only be viewed by the logged-in user that wrote them.

• Added a page for practicing dry firing. This is a simple clock that allows the user to setup custom timers. The user can apply a start beep and an end beep and how many times per session. The user can practice dry firing, holstering, unholstering, reloading, mimic courses, and can aid in being ready for qualifications.

• Update 05 FEB 2019 - Applied a hotfix to address server instability. Fixed bug in paper section where links for the laws were not showing. Paper section has a filtering bug due to data entry error and is being worked on.

• Update 07 FEB 2019 - Filtering bug has been fixed for paper section. The filtering options have also been trimmed to only include most relavent types.

Q: I have not received my email confirmation after I registered, how can I login?

A: Please email admin@cpdguidance.com with your user name and email address you used to register to confirm it manually. This can occurr if the email system you are using is too strict and filters out emails from cpdguidance email server or it places our emails in your junk email folder.

Q: I forgot my login credentials. How can I login?

A: There is a "forgot password" feature in the account page. Submit your email and a link will be sent to reset your password.

Q: Can i change my password?

A: Yes, there is a "Change Password" button in your account page and you can change it without general limitations.

Q: Does my password expire?

A: No, due to the annoyance of expiring passwords. Having said that, a strong password or you manually revolving it is good practice.

Q: I want to change my email address. How can I do this?

A: In the account page click on Edit and there will be an area where it allows you to change your email address. An email containing a link will be sent to that address to confirm it.

Q: Can I change my user name?

A: No, this is not supported.

Q: Why was I logged out?

A: This can happen with your session state changing or expiring. It can happen for a few reasons and should not be cause for alarm.

Q: I forgot that I am logged in from another place, like from a work location, and I am now home and do not want my content exposed. What do I do?

A: Simply log in from another device and your previous active login will be instantly logged out. You can only be logged in from one device at any one time. If the server detects multiple concurrent logins for the same user the previous one will be logged out. This is a security feature and designed for you to force a logout remotely if you forgot that you were logged in from another device.

Q: I notice the app looks different on other devices or browsers. Is there something wrong?

A: This app requirese a modern and updated web browser to look and operate correctly. If you notice odd colors or features not working it means you are on an outdated web browser or a browser that is not currently supported. The recommended browsers are Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Android and Apple phones with their native browsers. Modern Tablet devices should also be compatible.

Q: How does the app automate court calls?

A: There is a green (+) button labeled court info when you open rows in anovs, movers, arrests, etc. If you click on the green (+) button it will turn into a red (-) button indicating that it is now placed in your court info basket. Ensure you select your unit of assignment and then go to CourtInfo page and it will show you if court is required and which court. You can add multiple laws into the basket and mix and match moving citations with arrests and it will still automate your court calls based on unit of assignment and the court priority matrix of our directives. 2 things to note, though, anovs are currently handled as an arrest for court call and juvenile arrests are not factored.

Q: How does the app automate notifications?

A: After you select your unit of assignment whenever you open up a paper job the required and optional notifications are automatically shown based on your unit. So for example if you are unit 008 and you open up a 0110 paper job the phone numbers and pax lines and notifications are shown for Area 1 / Area Central.

Q: Does every paper job have a pre-filled out guide?

A: No, but efforts are made to have them filled out in the future. You can always add notes to them and or create your own custom guides instead of waiting.

Q: Can I make a public guide for other users to view?

A: No, the guides you can create are inherently private. There is no featuer that allows you to share your custom guides.

Q: When I upload a picture the orientation is wrong or nothing is uploaded, why is that?

A: Some browsers may show incompatibility with this feature. Try cropping it on your device or slightly modifying it and then saving. You may also be trying to upload an incompatible file or the file is too large to be compressed.

Q: Some of the images appear too small, can I make them larger?

A: If you are on a touchscreen device, like a phone, you can simply pinch to zoom to make everything larger. If that is not working on your device ensure that you allow this feature on your browser.

Q: Can I send private messages to other users?

A: Currently that is not supported. You can only send public messages on the chat hub(s).

Q: Can I post pictures on the chat hub(s)?

A: Currently that is not supported.

Q: Why is my IP address shown when posting a message in the chat hub(s)?

A: That is to discourage the app from turning into a social media platform which invites mis-use. The chat hubs are designed to only provide common help to others and from others in real time.

Q: What is the directives scan in the home page?

A: It scans the department's directives and looks for any changes they have made to any known directives the app is currently aware of. It allows an admin here to make changes to update the directives and match the department's. Once updated here the alert will go away after a new scan. Scans are performed about twice a day. What it will not do is show if any new directives were added, that has to be manually done.

Q: Is this app available on the phones or in app stores?

A: No, this is a webapp. This is a modern website designed to look and function like an app. The reason is portability. An app store governs where apps can be accessed from and imposes additional restrictions. for example, if you lose your phone or tablet you lose access to your installed apps but not to this site as you can access it from virtually any device. You can also access the app on computers, especially if you do not have signal on your phone or portable device.

Q: Why does the connection show as red sometimes?

A: It basically means there is no connection to the server or a connection is being re-established because you have no signal.

Q: Can I cancel or extend my subscription?

A: No, you must allow your current subscription to expire before renewing or cancelling.

Q: Can an FTO give me a free subscription?

A: Yes, but an FTO can only do this once per month. If your FTO is not registered with us ask him or her to do so as this will allow the FTO free access and to offer you a free trial.